Created and led by two women dentists, MD Clínica was initially focused on dental medicine, but practices today several specialties beyond that. It is an elegant and sophisticated brand, leader in innovation and technology in dental medicine, located right in the heart of Lisbon.
MD Clínica had launched a new website when it partnered with SOLOS. Although it was new, the website wasn’t indexed in the search engines: in searches for MD Clínica, the results showed pages from competitors, but not from the clinic itself. This was the first problem we solved.
After that, we proceeded to an analysis report on the brand, its channels and the sector, with benchmark and presentation of trends. One of the conclusions of the report, which revealed a high number of searches for “dentista Rua Castilho” (Rua Castilho dentist, in English) related to MD Clinica, was decisive to put an end to the intention of changing the practice’s location. The report also made clear that both founders should be at the heart of the brand’s communication strategy.
Thus, the brand activation on social media by SOLOS, both on Facebook and Instagram, gives the lead roles to the two women dentists. The latest news and innovations made in the clinic, either because a new area of ??specialization is created or because it goes through a technological advance that is important to highlight, are also topics to post about, as well as occasional testimonies from the clinic’s patients.
Although the current website was not developed by SOLOS, we renovated the information architecture of the services with several objectives: to ensure better navigation, create landing pages by specialty and by treatment and achieve longer and more visits to the website. Regularly, we also develop articles – fundamental to fulfill the SEO strategy.